Platform Explorer / Nuxeo Platform 11.3

Bundle Group org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.mail

In bundle group org.nuxeo.ecm.platform





    The nuxeo-platform-mail module provides the MailFolder feature : you can configure Nuxeo Server to fetch emails from a Pop3/Imapc server and have Nuxeo convert the emails into Nuxeo Documents and store them inside a Folder.

    Mail server connection

    One important aspect of nuxeo-platform-mail consists in the fact that multiple email connections can be dynamically configured from the web UI interface.

    This is done by creating "Email folder" documents, which contain the parameters needed in order to connect to the email account.

    Periodaically (this is configured in {{nxmail-scheduler-config.xml}}), all the email accounts defined by the "Email folders" are checked for new incoming mail.

    For every new mail found in a certain account, a new corresponding "Email message" is created as a child of the "Email folder" corresponding to the email account.

    Also, an email account check can be triggered for a certain "Email folder", by clicking the "Check email" button which can be found in the view page of an "Email folder" document.

    Note: For performance reasons, only a limited number of emails are imported for every account check. This limit can be set when a the creation/modification of a MailFolder document.


    Extension point configuration

    Mail Servers are configured at the MailFolder level.

    However, you can also control how the MailFolder will convert emails into Nuxeo Document.

    The service uses a chain of actions that is configured using the actionPipes extension point :

    The default configuration contains :


    The action that will actually create the Document is CreateDocumentsAction.

    So, if you want the mail folder to create custom Document types, you have to contribute your own Action and overriding the default chain.

    However, if you don't want to do Java Code and prefer using Automation, since 6.0, you can.

    Automation Bridge

    Since 6.0 a new MailAction is available and allows to call an Automation Chain.

    Configuraring the system to use Automation

    You must override the default actionPipe and use the CreateDocumentsFromAutomationChainAction action

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <component name="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.mail.automation.override">
      <extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.MailService" point="actionPipes">
        <pipe name="nxmail"  override="true">
          <action chain="CreateMailDocumentFromAutomation">

    Automation Execution Context

    The Automation context is filled with the ExecutionContext used in the MailActionPipe :

    • mailFolder : is the target MailFolder document
    • mailDocumentName : is the computed name for the Mail Document (it is not required to use it)
    • executionContext : is the ExecutionContext defined in the pipe
    • all properties available in the ExecutionContext are dumped at root of Automation Context :
      • subject is the mail subject
      • recipients is the list of recipients
      • ccRecipients is the list of recipients in CC
      • sendingDate is the date the mail was sent
      • attachments is the list of attached Blobs

    Chain example

    The Chain itself should be something like :

    <chain id="CreateMailDocumentFromAutomation">
      <operation id="Context.RestoreDocumentInput">
        <param type="string" name="name">mailFolder</param>
      <operation id="Document.Create">
        <param type="string" name="type">MailMessage</param>
        <param type="string" name="name">expr:Context["mailDocumentName"]</param>
        <param type="properties" name="properties">expr:mail:messageId=@{messageId}
      <operation id="Context.SetInputAsVar">
        <param type="string" name="name">mailDocument</param>
      <operation id="Context.RunScript">
        <param type="string" name="script">
      <operation id="Context.RunOperationOnList">
        <param type="string" name="id">ProcessAttachment</param>
        <param type="string" name="list">attachments</param>
        <param type="boolean" name="isolate">true</param>
        <param type="string" name="item">attachment</param>
      <operation id="Context.RestoreDocumentInput">
        <param type="string" name="name">mailDocument</param>
      <operation id="Document.Save"/>
    <chain id="ProcessAttachment">
      <operation id="Context.RestoreBlobInput">
        <param type="string" name="name">attachment</param>
      <operation id="Blob.Attach">
        <param type="document" name="document">expr:Context["mailDocument"]</param>
        <param type="boolean" name="save">false</param>
        <param type="string" name="xpath">files:files</param>

    About using SSL with you mail server

    If you connect to your mail server using SSL, your server needs to have a valid certificate, that is, a certificate that is issued by a known Authority.

    If this is not the case (you're using a self-made certificate), then the JVM will refuse to connect and you'll have a SSLHandShake error.

    To be able to connect with a server with a self-signed certificate, you need to add this certificate to the trusted certificate using keytool with a command such as (see man keytool for more information):

    keytool -import -trustcacerts -file mail.cer -keystore thekeystore

    If you don't have the certificate of the mail server you can get it with the following command:

    openssl s_client -connect

    You can either import the certificate in the cacerts of your JVM, or create a new keystore and start the jvm with:

    Another option is to use an helper class from: and to follow this step:

    1/ run the TestConnection class in eclipse as an application with your connection parameters

    2/ if not working (error 'unable to find valid certification path to requested target') compile the java class: $ java

    3/ execute on imap server for instance: $ java InstallCert or $ java InstallCert

    4/ make sure it is a good key before entering, and make sure it's been added to the default keystore in $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts

    5/ reproduce steps if needed, do not forget to delete the local file 'jssecacerts' that's been created (otherwise the default keystore won't be updated anymore)
